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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dorje Shugden Gyenze to Increase Life, Merits and Wealth

Dorje Shugden Gyenze mural on a monastery wall

(By Tsem Rinpoche)

Many years ago, when I first entered Gaden Monastery, the supreme abbot, learned master and meditational teacher of hundreds of monks in Gaden Shartse was H.E. Kensur Jetsun Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. Kensur Rinpoche and I had a special relationship because before Kensur Rinpoche joined Gaden Monastery in Tibet, he came from a monastery called Tsem Monastery in the district of Kham in Yara Province, Tibet. That is my previous life’s monastery, i.e. the monastery I came from in my previous life. So, Kensur Rinpoche and I shared the same monastery of origin before we both entered Gaden Shartse Monastery for further studies.

When I entered Gaden, Kensur Rinpoche was the abbot and he gave between 8 to 10 hours of teachings a day. Many of the very knowledgeable Geshes, teachers and masters of today are his students. He lived with me in my house and I had the great pleasure and honor to serve him for many years, and to receive teachings from him directly.

In one of our private sessions, I asked Kensur Rinpoche, “If we fully rely on Dorje Shugden, and focus on Dorje Shugden, technically can we become fully enlightened?” And Kensur Rinpoche thought about it and he said, “Yes, we definitely can become fully enlightened because Dorje Shugden is a fully enlightened being.”

On another occasion, I went up to Kensur Rinpoche and asked for the meditation on Dorje Shugden in his increasing form and Kensur Rinpoche gave me a short but concise explanation which I wrote down in my notes. I always pen down the teachings I receive from my Gurus, either from memory or with my Guru’s permission, and I have kept them all these years. So I thought I would include a picture of my notes on this particular teaching in this blog post.

Below, you will see the notes I wrote as Kensur Rinpoche gave me the teaching on how to do the Gyenze meditation. I am sharing this with everybody in the world now because I am very confident about this practice, and I am very happy about this practice since it came from an authentic source, which is the great Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery. His knowledge, study and power of debate is beyond question and well-known in the Tibetan world. He was also very much esteemed as one of the past judges for the Gelug Exam, for the conferment of Geshe degrees. And I had the opportunity to learn from and practice with such an erudite and great master of his caliber… and also to ask him my questions. So many hundreds of great masters and learned monks of Gaden, Sera and Drepung Monasteries practiced Dorje Shugden. I have seen this with my own eyes. I have done monthly pujas with them numerous times. These masters are beyond speculation as they are the top in their field of learning and debate. If they practice Dorje Shugden and many of their incarnations have returned, then it says a lot about Dorje Shugden. Living in the monastery as I have and witnessing the greatness of these masters such as Kensur Rinpoche, you know they cannot be wrong. When I arrived in the monastery, hundreds of these masters and monks did monthly pujas (kangsol) to Dorje Shugden in Gaden Shartse Monastery and I joined them. The majority.

With a job, income, finances and our bills paid, it is easier to practice dharma free of most worldly concerns. During economic hard times, when we need help, then invoking upon Gyenze daily will bring what we need. If we have large companies or businesses, then it will be wonderful to set up a Gyenze altar or shrine at home/office to do the prayers daily to invoke upon the blessings of Gyenze. Gyenze is Dorje Shugden in a wealth form specifically to help us gain resources through correct means. Gyenze’s practice can also increase our life span and healing. In his right hand he holds a long life vase filled with life-increasing nectar signifying he can bless us to extend our lives as well as grant us protection, assistance, attainments and increase of mental cognition. Our main practices (study, preliminaries, vipassana, Lojong, Lam Rim, Vajra Yogini, Yamantaka, Heruka, etc) and our general meditations will be assisted also as Gyenze will help arrange for the necessities we need for dharma practice. Dorje Shugden is excellent to practice the art of foretelling the future (Mo) as he will grant that to us if we trust him long term. Many high Tibetan lamas use Dorje Shugden divination methods to divine the future to assist others. Dorje Shugden Gyenze will increase our existing psychic abilities also when we do his practice long term. Those are not the main purpose we practice Gyenze but the side benefits that can arise. He can also assist us in closing second sight when we don’t want to see supernatural beings which sometimes can frighten us. We recite his mantra diligently to accomplish these goals. Many activities can be accomplished through Dorje Shugden Gyenze. It is indeed a wonderful practice and blessed. Good to do this practice in dharma centres to attract the energy for sponsorship and increase of dharma activities. Many wonderful dharma centres suffer from lack of funds to pay bills and carry on activities, Gyenze will be most helpful in this. Kechara definitely engages in this practice and due to Dorje Shugden, Kechara has been able to grow. Any dharma centre regardless of sect may engage in this practice as a group or individually. The main function of Gyenze is to help us with our outer conditions and resources so that we can engage in inner focused dharma practice to gain enlightenment to be of benefit to all sentient beings.

Gyenze can be practiced by a Gelug, Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu, Hinayana, Mahayana, Christian, Hindu, Taoist, Wiccan, Jew, atheist, etc. Because Gyenze is a fully enlightened Buddha therefore he makes no conditions to help anyone who sincerely requests his assistance. You do not even need to convert. Dorje Shugden in his Gyenze form or any form will not assist in prayers that bring harm to oneself or others ever. Buddhas will never agree to harmful actions. You do not need permission or initiation to begin and continue this practice, but be consistent in order to gain benefits just like anything in life.

So this source of Gyenze teachings is from Kensur Rinpoche the great who was the supreme abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery and the teacher to hundreds of scholars, which I would like to share with all of you here. You can practice Gyenze with complete confidence. These teachings have a valid source and they are very blessed. I have it available here so many who need assistance in gaining better situations and resources may invoke upon the energy of Gyenze. This is specifically aimed to help you in resources in order to have a better life and dharma practice. I wish you all well.

I thank my team who worked with me to get this wonderful and beneficial post out for the world. My team works from compassion, care, a sense of renunciation and genuine sense of concern for others. They work hard and long hours together with me to get these powerfully beneficial posts out. I thank them sincerely. I wish everyone good luck with this holy practice that I am so excited to offer you!

Tsem Rinpoche

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