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Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Realms of Kli illustrate by Allen - Introducing E.iM system to AACFS products series 2023

 Powerful faerie and mystical creatures exist in earth's invisible realms. they are everywhere. magical and powerful each spirit faerie hold personal abilities. 

Allen illustrates that the realms of kli mean the "Spiritual Vessel" that exists only when we believe. 

we are proud that we not only illustrated this powerful and magical being but brought forward how to connect and work very closely with them daily. 

I wish to introduce a different kind of symbolic practice that we put to a period test and we see tremendous results.

2023 we will introduce new series of products that base on E.iM system 

E.iM stand for 
Enhance & Improvise

Some selected products/crystals we set with system that not only empowers their original benefits but also boosts to it highest value potential possible.

Boosting its Purpose | Intention | Affirmation with the help of Energy Pyramid. We set to assure that all products/crystals set at least 24 hours to activate their Frequency and Vibration.

All you need is "Belief" to achieve the result. 

E.iM also help to boost our numerology lifepath analyses for the client who wishes to see the optimum result in their reading. this also includes N.V Oracle Card reading.

Book your appointment now at 

The Realms of Kli illustrate by Allen - Introducing E.iM system to AACFS products series 2023

  Powerful faerie and mystical creatures exist in earth's invisible realms. they are everywhere. magical and powerful each spirit faerie...